M48 DAY 27 Recap: Nashville, TENNESSEE – CrossFit WOD

Excerpt from my journal on the trip:

Today was very interesting. I was pretty pumped to go to Nashville, Tennessee since it’s home of country music (and Lord knows I love country music), but it ended up turning out to just be okay. I swear one thing I’ve learned from this trip is that the states that you think will be the coolest that turn out to be duds and vice versa.

We ended up going to Crossfit East Tennessee and did a Crossfit WOD. I was excited to go to this gym because it’s where a ton of the Crossfit Games’ athletes like Tia Claire-Toomey trains. The gym had a cool vibe to it. The workout ended up being pretty easy with some heavy triples of bench and deadlift.

By this time by body was feeling pretty beat up so I was okay with an “easy” day. Then, after the workout we went go-karting to just let some steam off and have fun. Go karting was 10x harder than I thought and I landed in dead last… every single race.

I’ll stick to barbells for now. We are headed off to Mississippi… to run a 10k.

We are officially at 85 girls funded for Ruling Our eXperiences that has 20-week programs in schools for young girls to build their confidence, teach them self defense, and learn how to be a true leader in today’s world. They change the trajectory of their entire lives when they build strong, confident young girls. I’m pushing my body and mind to the limit because I believe in it so strongly. Please continue to share this with family and friends so we can build up the next generation of strong women!

Go do hard things today!

CrossFit WOD

27 down, 21 more to go.

Next up: Tupelo, MISSISSIPPI for some RUNNING!

I created Mission48 where I compete in 48 fitness events in 48 states in 48 days to inspire women and young girls to step out of their comfort zone & build self-confidence. I partnered with Ruling Our eXperiencesa nonprofit that does 20-week programs in schools for young girls to help them build self-confidence, communicate better & build leaders. Our BIG goal is to fund 10,000 girls for their programs.

It’s $100 to fund one girl for a 20-week ROX program. If this speaks to you please donate below! ✨

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We are COMPLETE! Mission48 – our hybrid fitness journey across the United States. I’m competing in events of all fitness realms.

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