Day 1 – June 1st, 2023
Today’s the day I launched Mission48 out in the world. It’s the date I’ve been saying to others for months.
“June 1st is launch day!”
It’s a day I’ve been so excited for, yet nervous for at the same time. As you read in my previous blog the night before, I was nervous for two reasons. First, it actually makes it real (meaning, there’s no going back). Second, I had no clue how others would receive it.
As something that has been built up in my head for over two years it can feel insanely big to me, but that doesn’t mean it’ll be received the same way.
Would people care?
What if it flops and no one even says a word about it?
All of these thoughts run through your head as the day in the future now becomes THE day. It feels vulnerable as I’m putting my “baby” out to the world and hoping it will thrive, but also knowing there’s a slight chance it’ll be the complete opposite.
However, as each moment ticked closer to the moment I would press the “post” button and a thought like that come up I continually needed to remind myself that this is much bigger than me. This isn’t for the likes, comments, or notoriety. This is for living out the mission because it’s been placed deep in your heart regardless of how it may be received.
So, let’s fast forward to what actually when down on launch day.
I planned for a pretty easy, smooth launch. I’d upload the Youtube video in the morning, I’d send an email out at 10a and then launch to the public at 1p between flights on my way to New Jersey for a big get together.
Smooth, easy, and boom – it’s there.
HA. Silly Kelsey thinking it would work like that.
We were having some video editing issues, so I woke up at 4a to get ready for my first flight and to check the video clip. I checked the video my team sent and it only uploaded 30 seconds of what should be a 5+ video clip. Shoot – first bump.
Then, as I landed my layover flight in Detroit we were having issues getting me the video to view so I can give any revisions. We finally got the video to work and luckily the video was already GREAT. There were a few minor tweaks, but nothing too big.
I sent over the small tweaks before my next flight and thought as I’d land in New Jersey the video will be complete, I can upload, and BOOM – launch time baby!
I landed in New Jersey and crickets. No video yet, no edits yet and the clock is racing to 1p what was going to be launch time.
1:30p goes by.. 2p goes by…
“Just so you’re updated: I’m running into basically every possible technical difficulty“
I get the text and automatically went into problem solving mode.
“It’s okay.. rather learn now! what’s going on with it?”
My team sent a text back explaining the issues and I thought, “Not ideal, but nothing we can do about it. It won’t make or break anything.” Meanwhile, I’m problem solving with a client, finishing up my social media post to launch, and trying to get the email ready to go out.
A few hours later the video finally was able to export, upload, and be ready to go!
I went to finalize the email to send to my email list and as soon as I’m copying over the Youtube video I click the “x” button on the tab and completely erase my email that took me 20 minutes to type out.
Deep breath Kels.
I FINALLY uploaded the Youtube video, sent the email out to my email list for the launch, downloaded the graphics I was going to post on social for the public post, and had the caption written.
5p was launch time, but I couldn’t wait any longer and I pushed it all out at 4:45pm.
As I quickly pressed the “post” button I sent out this dream that had many bumps along the way today out to social (if it’s on social, you know it’s real – joking).
I got my first like. Then, my first comment. Then, my first reshare.
It by no means was this massive take over the social media world, but it was received with such loving kind, words like this one below.
This made every little moment worth it.
After, I went to Devon Levesque’s house where we did a get together and it came full circle as I hugged people that said, “Congrats on the launch!”
Now, it’s 11:10p (way past my bed time) and I’m feeling fulfilled, grateful that I got out of bed to write this blog post, and inspired to run harder than I ever have before for the mission laid out in front of me.
God’s got this.
Happy freaking launch day. This is JUST the beginning.
Always believe,
PS – On the flight from Detroit to New Jersey I sat by this old couple on the plane. I took my Bible out to start doing a bible study and he leaned over to his wife and said, “That’s a Bible!” I overheard him and said, “Yeah, it’s a big part of my life.” Come to find out he’s been a pastor at a church for over 44 years and his son is building a big church in Austin, Texas. I shared with him and his wife my own testimony from not being a big believer to starting Mission48 by me feeling a gut feeling (or call from God) that I was meant for something more. We talked for an hour and a half and exchanged information. I walked off the plane thinking, “Okay God I see you.” The launch day of Mission48 and for an entire plane ride I talk about faith with a couple I didn’t know 2 hours before. God’s got you – always remember that.